
The Ultimate Guide to Learning about Radio Communication and Why You Should

A good article on the basics of radios, selection, and licensing from ITS Tactical.  Lots of information here if you are interested in radio communication.  Enjoy!


Soaking Secrets to Master the Art of Cooking Beans

Here is a short but good article from Preparedness Mama on soaking beans.  Good information for the beginning scratch cook.  Enjoy!


The Ultimate Camping Checklist

     A good post from reThinkSurvival.com, you gotta love ultimate checkists!  I've looked it over and it seems pretty complete.  Even has spaces at the end of categorys for you to add your own items.  Enjoy!




DIY Spice Mixes And Herb Tips

     A good post from Are We Crazy or What? about DIY Spice Mixes and herb Storage.  A lot of really usefull information and a couple of good Ball products featured in the article.  Enjoy!


Sick of Ticks? Take Brad Paisley’s Advice

     A post for those of you enjoying the outdoors on the 4th of July.  I found this on Survival Sherpa.  I wonder if any of these repellent recipes work?  If they have worked for you, please leave a comment.  Enjoy!


Easy Homemade Pizza Calzones

Another tasty dish from The Prairie Homestead.  I can't wait to try this one with the kids!  There are also links in their post to Homemade Pizza Dough and Homeade Mozzarella Cheese (part two is here)!  Enjoy!


Make a 3-Legged Stool

     Another good article from Mother Earth News, this time instructions about making a 3-legged stool with concrete and scrap wood.  Enjoy!


DIY Fence and Wall Repair

     A good article from Mother Earth News containing an excerpt from Landscaping (Skills Institute Press, 2011) with a link to buy the book.  The article gives good insight on many common rence and wall repairs.  A good read.  The book (not an affiliate) looks like it might be worth it too.  Enjoy!



A good brief tutorial from Your Preparedness Story discussing communication security for preppers.  A very interesting read and old-hat if you ever served.  Enjoy!


Hardtack or Pilot Bread is Good for Long-Term Storage

Another article and recipe from Preparedness Advice Blog.  This time about how to make and store hard tack.  Good article and a recipe I think I'll try since the summer camping season is in full swing.  Enjoy!


How to Cook on an Open Fire

A very brief tutorial from Montana Homesteader about cooking over an open fire.  Good information to know if you ever intend to rough-it outdoors.  Enjoy!


Meatless Recipes for Hard Times

     Here is a concise article from Preparedness Advice Blog containing three meatless recipes for when times get hard.  Enjoy!


Whizbang Chicken Plucker Makes Processing Chickens Much Easier

A good article from Grit about DIY'ing a tub chicken plucker.  Links to but the plans included!  I imagine that it would work for most poultry but do your research before you try it, enjoy!



5 Tips for Introducin​g Teenage Chicks

An excellent article from Community Chickens about inrtroducing juvenile chickens to an established flock.  We have been going through this for the last coupole of weeks as we introduce our new birds to make room for the new hatchlings in the brooder.  Enjoy!


How to Make Dandelion Wine and Dandelion Cookies

A pair of recipes from Common Sense Homesteading utilizing the most famous garden pest -  dandelions!  One is for wine and the other for cookies! 


Raising Meat Chickens - A Two Part Series

     A good two part series from Melissa K. Norris about raising and processing meat chickens.  Enjoy the articles!


The Easy Way to Peel Farm-Fresh Hard-Boiled Eggs

     A good article from The Prairie Homestead about an alternative way to hard bolk and peel farm fresh eggs.  I need to try this one at home. 


Family Lock Box

A good article from Survival at Home about the importance of and what you should put in (which will vary by family) a family lock box.  Enjoy!



How to Build a Box Rabbit Trap

     Here is a good article from Off the Grid News detailing How to Build a Box Rabbit Trap.  Trapbuilding is an important skill to learn if you are an outdoorsman, all of my children are learning it.  Enjoy!

     You can also find more types of traps and how to build them in Deadfalls and Snares: A Book of Instruction for Trappers about These and Other Home-Made Traps by A. R. Harding. (Affiliate Link)


Easy DIY: How to Build a Hitching Post

A good article from Grit.com about constructing a hitching post.  Enjoy!



Grocery Manufacturers Want Foods with GMOs to Be Labeled as ‘Natural’

     Here's another thing (from Food Safety News) to write to your congressmen and senators about:  Grocery Manufacturers Want Foods with GMOs to Be Labeled as ‘Natural’

     Send letters, faxes, and make phone calls and get them to pressure the FDA to do the right thing and stop comopanies from being able to lable foods that containg GMO's as "Natural."  Get Congress to force theses companies to label all foods containing GMO's as "Contains GMO's" in really big letters on the front of their packaging.


Supreme Court Justice Confirms American Internment Camps Will Happen Again

I usually take what articles on Freedom Outpost say with a grain of salt as they seem very alarmist, but this bears some further scrutiny as I would not put it past any politician to do this.

Check out the article:  Supreme Court Justice Confirms American Internment Camps Will Happen Again

Be safe!

The Simple Pleasures of Wood Cookstove Baking

Another tasty article from the Paratus Familia BlogThe Simple Pleasures of Wood Cookstove Baking.  I think those muffins are calling my name.  Enjoy!


Survival Bars

  Here is an older one from the Paratus Familia BlogSurvival Bars.  I think I might need to try a batch of these cookies this weekend!  Enjoy!