
Grocery Manufacturers Want Foods with GMOs to Be Labeled as ‘Natural’

     Here's another thing (from Food Safety News) to write to your congressmen and senators about:  Grocery Manufacturers Want Foods with GMOs to Be Labeled as ‘Natural’

     Send letters, faxes, and make phone calls and get them to pressure the FDA to do the right thing and stop comopanies from being able to lable foods that containg GMO's as "Natural."  Get Congress to force theses companies to label all foods containing GMO's as "Contains GMO's" in really big letters on the front of their packaging.


Supreme Court Justice Confirms American Internment Camps Will Happen Again

I usually take what articles on Freedom Outpost say with a grain of salt as they seem very alarmist, but this bears some further scrutiny as I would not put it past any politician to do this.

Check out the article:  Supreme Court Justice Confirms American Internment Camps Will Happen Again

Be safe!

The Simple Pleasures of Wood Cookstove Baking

Another tasty article from the Paratus Familia BlogThe Simple Pleasures of Wood Cookstove Baking.  I think those muffins are calling my name.  Enjoy!


Survival Bars

  Here is an older one from the Paratus Familia BlogSurvival Bars.  I think I might need to try a batch of these cookies this weekend!  Enjoy!