
The Ultimate Camping Checklist

     A good post from reThinkSurvival.com, you gotta love ultimate checkists!  I've looked it over and it seems pretty complete.  Even has spaces at the end of categorys for you to add your own items.  Enjoy!




DIY Spice Mixes And Herb Tips

     A good post from Are We Crazy or What? about DIY Spice Mixes and herb Storage.  A lot of really usefull information and a couple of good Ball products featured in the article.  Enjoy!


Sick of Ticks? Take Brad Paisley’s Advice

     A post for those of you enjoying the outdoors on the 4th of July.  I found this on Survival Sherpa.  I wonder if any of these repellent recipes work?  If they have worked for you, please leave a comment.  Enjoy!


Easy Homemade Pizza Calzones

Another tasty dish from The Prairie Homestead.  I can't wait to try this one with the kids!  There are also links in their post to Homemade Pizza Dough and Homeade Mozzarella Cheese (part two is here)!  Enjoy!


Make a 3-Legged Stool

     Another good article from Mother Earth News, this time instructions about making a 3-legged stool with concrete and scrap wood.  Enjoy!


DIY Fence and Wall Repair

     A good article from Mother Earth News containing an excerpt from Landscaping (Skills Institute Press, 2011) with a link to buy the book.  The article gives good insight on many common rence and wall repairs.  A good read.  The book (not an affiliate) looks like it might be worth it too.  Enjoy!